to Dec 17

Butoh a Firenze "della stessa stoffa dei sogni"

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“della stessa stoffa dei sogni” - danza butoh

“Siamo fatti della stessa stoffa dei sogni” (Shakespeare). 

Una stoffa di trama invisibile. Ciò che ci muove, ciò che ci anima, è il mistero annidato in quel tessuto.

Questi incontri consentono di avvicinarsi a questo mistero attraverso la danza butoh.

Questi incontri consentono anche di trasformare le proprie emozioni in risorse, di intrattenere una relazione viva con il proprio corpo, di abitare il proprio gesto. 

Il Butoh, alla sua nascita negli anni ’50 del 900 in Giappone, é stato un movimento espressionista, una ribellione del corpo. Ha creato nuovi canoni estetici di bellezza. Ha mostrato che è bello tutto ciò che è espresso con onestà, tutto ciò che emerge come una necessità.

Ciò che danzo, sono! 

Un fiore, una tempesta devastatrice, un corpo putrescente, la vastità del mare, il carnevale di Rio, la vita di un albero. 

La danza butoh unisce dentro e fuori, così da creare una porta d’accesso diretta ad una creatività libera, infinita in cui possono emergere emozioni, sensazioni, immagini ancestrali. Quando emerge la propria danza, la magia è compiuta ed il rito ha svolto i suoi effetti.

Il Butoh è anche un approccio specifico nella danza, offre un vocabolario del movimento fatto di forme, onde, linee, spirali, pesi. Questi strumenti permettono di aprire nuove frontiere nel corpo, nuovi spazi, ampliare e dare forza al gesto. 

Questi incontri si nutrono del desiderio di creare un laboratorio permanente di ricerca e creazione. Un teatro-danza del Sé. Creare insieme e mettere in scena la propria danza. Costruire una propria narrazione.

Sono aperti a tutti i liberi pensatori, viaggiatori della coscienza, filosofi, poeti, artisti, danzatori, movers, terapeuti, tutti coloro che praticano o vogliono iniziare a praticare discipline del movimento portando avanti un processo personale e creativo. 

La prima lezione é gratuita. Inizio corsi da lunedì 13 novembre. Tutti i lunedì dalle 20.30 alle 22.30 - Ganesa Yoga, Via Romana 78r , Firenze- info 3402777030

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to Oct 27

Body Quest

  • Google Calendar ICS

BODY QUEST 21-27 October 2023

It will be a journey to recover the lost or forgotten parts of ourselves. We will explore our own geography, contours, folds, textures, we will taste the skin, rediscover what our eyes can see and let the heart be the guide of our movements and words.

Body Quest is dance, poetry, yoga, movement, ritual & nature. It takes us where we belong, to this body. This workshop is born from the collaboration between Inalu Antoli, somatic yoga and creative movement teacher and Alessia Medusa, dancer, psychologist and dance therapist. We will meet in Lunigiana, a beautiful region of Tuscany in Italy.

The tools used will be a combination of practices including:

SOMATIC YOGA, the asanas or body postures are tools to develop strength, flow, explore our breath, our connection to the earth, the support of gravity and develop the capacity to reconnect with our senses.

AUTHENTIC MOVEMENT, a practice to direct the attention within, to listen and move following natural impulses. An invitation to receive and perceive our movements, reconnecting with the pulse of life and creativity.

BUTOH, Japanese dance, allows you to explore your inner landscapes and bring them out through dance. In the practice we are called to awaken the senses to receive more of what surrounds us, our environment, the world we live in. Butoh dance allows you to explore your deeper nature, feelings, images, ideas, and it uses dance, movement and the imagination in these explorations.

BODY MAPPING, is the process of creating maps of the body using artistic techniques such as drawing and movement. It allows a cartography of one's body. It leaves a trace of oneself on the paper.

We will explore the surrounding nature and experience outdoor movement practices. We will have a final ritual performance day.


Casale in Lunigiana - Celebrare la vita , a workshop centre in Lunigiana.
The Lunigiana is the far northern tip of Tuscany, a rural and mountainous area, its landscape is dominated by the upper section of the Appenines.
Fresh air, wide landscapes, trees, forest, river.  Casale in Lunigiana is a cozy place where people live communally. in this spirit, rooms are shared as much as meals and body practices.


Alessia Mallardo: Dancer and dance therapist. I have always been interested in exploring that border territory between light and shadow. I cultivate art by creating performances, participating in festivals and happenings of dance and contemporary art, working for public and private institutions with projects for children and animating dance workshops inspired by Dance Therapy and Japanese Butoh.
In my performances and workshops I inevitably bring my own experience, so that something of my personal history touches the history of others. I too have a body; I too feel joy, anger, pain; I can therefore understand the other and share my world, shed light on buried emotions, on the invisible”.

Inalu Antoli: Yoga and Creative Movement Teacher.
I am especially interested in our capacity to resonate with nature and life through the moving body and our dance to be a vehicle of expression of all that we are and can be.
I dance and move to find meaning, connection and to invite deep aliveness. Caring for the body, nourishing the soul & our relationships and learning to be human are essential aspects of my life. I have studied Shiatsu, Macrobiotic Nutrition and Ayurveda. I have followed the Buddhist teachings for many years and practiced meditation and many dance forms. I have been teaching and offering workshops for the last 15 years. I love when we come together and inspire each other to be who we are and thrive in this world.

The retreat includes:
-6 nights accommodation in shared rooms in ´Celebrare la Vita´, a workshop centre in Lunigiana, Tuscany countryside
-Yoga, Authentic Movement, Body mapping and Butoh sessions (5 to 6 hours daily)
-3 nutritious vegetarian meals daily created Italian expert hands
-transport to and from the nearest train or bus station to the retreat centre


695€ early bird for bookings before 15th September 2023

200€ deposit…

If you´d love to take part in this retreat, we have some scholarships available which can reduce the cost for you and allow you to join us.

Please contact us directly and we will give you more details.

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to Jul 15


“The body is where the secret world of the soul comes to expression.
It is our only home in the universe.”

Body Quest is an adventure of dance, poetry, yoga, movement, ritual & nature to take us where we belong, to this body. This workshop is born from the collaboration between Inalu Antoli, somatic yoga and creative movement teacher and Alessia Mallardo, dancer, psychologist and dance therapist. We will meet in the beautiful island of Mallorca, in the Mediterranean, for a journey to recover the lost or forgotten parts of ourselves. When these parts are missing there is a yearning for wholeness, for the passion, love and curiosity necessary to explore the many landscapes of our existence. We will explore our own geography, contours, folds, textures, we will taste the skin, rediscover what our eyes can see and let the heart be the guide of our movements and words.

The tools used will be a combination of practices including:

SOMATIC YOGA, the asanas or body postures are tools to develop strength, flow, explore our breath, our connection to the earth, the support of gravity and develop the capacity to reconnect with our senses.
NOGUCHI TAISO, Japanese gymnastics that supports our fluid movement and is designed to relax the body and make it as natural, elastic and resilient as water.
SPONTANEOUS MOVEMENT, a practice to direct the attention within, to listen and move following natural impulses. An invitation to receive and perceive our movements, reconnecting with the pulse of life and creativity.
BUTOH, Japanese dance, allows you to explore your inner landscapes and bring them out through dance. In the practice we are called to awaken the senses to receive more of what surrounds us, our environment, the world we live in. Butoh dance allows you to explore your deeper nature, feelings, images, ideas, and it uses dance, movement and the imagination in these explorations.

We will have the opportunity to explore the island and visit particularly beautiful and wild places, such as the necropolis and the natural parks. On these occasions we will experience outdoor movement practices.

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6:00 PM18:00


  • FAF | Female Arts in Florence, Borgo San Frediano, Florence, Metropolitan City of Florence (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I am really grateful to Hiroko Komiya, (Atsushi Takenouchi), great woman and artist, for the beautiful collaboration between voice and dance. Here is a link to her personal blog, work and activities

At FAF (FEMALE ARTS IN FLORENCE) for "l'Eredità delle Donne" Festival (WOMEN HERITAGE FESTIVAL) .

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to Oct 30


  • Murate Art District, Piazza delle Murate, Florence, Metropolitan City of Florence (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

DANCE DANCE DANCE - laboratorio di danza BUTOH -

welcome WELCOME!

Un’esperienza sensoriale, ispirata al Butoh, danza (-teatro) giapponese, una pratica viscerale che permette di esplorare quello che si ha dentro e di portarlo fuori attraverso la danza, facilitata da Alessia Mallardo (Medusa), danzatrice e danzaterapeuta, psicologa e ricercatrice di processi inconsci, sensibili, visibili e invisibili. La sensibilità a esplorare il fuori e il dentro cresce quanto più cresce l’attenzione agli stimoli sensoriali: perciò in questo laboratorio si chiudono gli occhi e si ascolta.

Questa esperienza è parte di “FEEL” un progetto artistico sviluppato durante una residenza d’artista a MAD Murate Art District. Una ricerca sperimentale e artistica, nata durante un viaggio in India, un incontro tra l’individuo e lo spazio, un’interazione tra suono e movimento. I suoni del quotidiano: traffico cittadino, i suoni dei caffè al bar, il fluire del fiume, il vento, in che misura strutturano e costruiscono la nostra relazione con lo spazio, i nostri gesti, i nostri movimenti ma anche le nostre emozioni, i nostri desideri e sogni. Questi stimoli sono incontri ipotetici, possibilità inaspettate, nuovi modi di entrare in contatto, una spinta ad osservarsi e a riconoscere il proprio ritmo, il silenzio che ci portiamo dentro, l’intima relazione con lo spazio fuori. La scoperta di dimensioni del sé vissute come un viaggio all’interno dei piccoli rituali del quotidiano.

il laboratorio è aperto a tutti i liberi pensatori, poeti, ricercatori del movimento, e a chiunque trovi nella danza e nel corpo la curiosità o il bisogno istintivo d’espressione

Partecipazione gratuita su prenotazione


Foto: Ilaria Salvagno

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5:00 PM17:00


ONLINE STREAMING - Performance “Medusa” for “Rosso Indelebile”

Social project and events for the prevention of violence against women



rosso indelebile .jpg
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